Thursday, April 2, 2009

When a million droplets merge…………

While coming back from work tonight , the office bus took the by-lane.Unfortunately, barely after 10 minutes of motion we came to an abrupt halt.An ant-like queue of vehicle was formed as far as my eyes could see ahead.Little depressed i picked up my phone to call home and say i would buy the vegetables tomorrow. Unmindfully , i casted a glance on highway beside which was moving.The highway was separated from us by a concrete dividerImported 2nd April 203.

And then i saw in disbelief that our driver walked out and started to collect the road side boulders to bridge the gap.Alas,that was not enough! And then the HCLites in the bus flowed out like tiny droplets and together as a stream they moved cement bags. We finally managed to bridge the gap amongst the rising cheer of the stuck vehicles.The bus finally jumped to the highway and a strong wind kissed the foreheadof the winners.

I looked back to see other vehicles were following the path just created and thought to myself a journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.And together HCL is capable of taking that step.

Photo Courtesy:

The droplets photo is produced by aussiegall and the license details are here

The other photo is taken on my HTC Smartphone

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